Martes, Enero 24, 2012

Poker Etiquette Tips For Beginner Poker Players

If you want to have a good time playing poker, these tips will make your experience at the table more enjoyable, and probably more profitable.

1. Physical comfort. When you are directed to your table, find your seat and "square up". The easiest way is to center yourself with the cup holder on the table. If you feel crowded, in between hands, you can politely ask your neighbor or ask the dealer to "square up the table." The problem could be two or three players not centered, causing some close quarters. Just place your cash on the table and the dealer and/or game attendant (Brush) will do the rest.

2. If the dealer asks you for an "affinity" or "player's club card", present it to get logged in for comps. If he doesn't, don't sweat it, just wait until between hands, and ask him if you need to log in at the table or somewhere else.

3. Keep your hands away from the area the dealer is pitching to. Cards easily flip over. Let the dealer place the cards for you.

4. Stay in the game. Know when you are in the blinds. Post them before the cards are dealt.

Know when the action is on you. It goes clockwise from the small blind which is just to the left of the Dealer Button.

5. As a beginner always verbalize your action. Check, Call, Raise! Unless you are proficient at counting out your chips behind any betting line and placing them into the betting area in one motion, better to say what you mean to do, before you push your chips in. "RAISE TO $15." "All IN!" Just say it, and to the dealer!

6. If you get up to leave, you don't have to tell the dealer why, unless it is for an extended period. Just remember that if you miss a blind, you will have to pay it. Also be mindful of a couple or more players leaving a table for 10 or 15 minutes. It kinda hurts the game. If you are going to be longer than that, you might want to rack up and just get back in later. It's usually easy to do.

7. Protect your hand! This is the best piece of advice any poker professional can give you. You don't need a death grip on the cards. but you at least need a protector, a chip works fine, but you can use your imagination, your pet rock, a coin, (smaller than the size of a card), and an awareness of where your cards are at all times. Keeping a hand on them is fine, but please don't obscure them completely from the dealer's view. If you are at showdown with one or more players, you don't have to expose your cards until the dealer asks you to. If he says show them, then show them but keep your hands on them and in front of you, until the pot is pushed to you or the dealer mucks your hand. You can muck your hand any time, but please just gently push them to the dealer, and he will do the rest.

8. Don't discuss the hand in play at all. Period. If you are heads up, there can be some trash talk, but that's about it. Don't show your cards to your neighbor, even if you are folding.

9. Win or lose graciously. Don't throw your cards, jump up and down or berate your opponent. Foul or abusive language is not tolerated. Remember, what goes around comes around.

10. Tipping. Completely discretionary, yet a sensitive subject. Depending on where you play. In Las Vegas, dealers, brushes, and chip runners, all live on a low hourly wage supplemented by tips. This is the way it is. If your dealer is running the game efficiently, being personable, and doing a good job, he expects a tip. It's his livelihood. A dollar for a win is acceptable. Just scooping the blinds does not require a tip. Larger pot sizes offer you a chance to show your appreciation with a larger tip.

Try these ideas and tips next time you sit down at a poker table. You will be glad you did.


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